Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Sometimes it's hard to not give up hope. I don't know about you but there are times when I just feel so hopeless. My experiences with the body of Christ has been less than desirable over the last few years. When I drive by a church, I often think, "what does that word mean now days anyways?" It seems that anyone can slap that name on anything and people will come. It is so sad to me. It is so sad to me that so many people who are genuinely looking for something more, have a spiritual interest/need, are going to "churches" that are not even anything like what Christ had in mind. I don't know who these people are. I guess I just think of the general masses. I especially think of the power there is in words like "church," "pastor," or even "God" for that matter. It is unfortuate that even Satan has entered so many of these "churches" and used them for subtle evil. Many are just clubs with very little depth of belief or faith. Others are filled with zealous followers looking for someone to look up to. Many of these people find manipulative "pastors" who speak for "God" to feed this need to feel secure. When I think of the hypocrisy and deception that can go on in the church, I feel worse. Unfortunately so much "good preaching" is birthed from charismatic, manipulative pastors (don't get me wrong I'm not saying ALL). In some "churches" truth is found hidden only in one small corner of the room and becomes something that has very little substance anymore. I guess all of this, at times, makes me wonder if it is all worth it. I never thought that this is what being a Christian would involve. Lord have mercy!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Proselytizing in Orthodox Lands?

This article (linked below) by Frederica Matthewes-Green addresses a subject that has been a concern of mine these days. It brings out many of points of why I, myself, have a hard time with the tactic that some evangelicals take in sharing the gospel. Read it and feel free to comment here on my blog your thoughts regarding the subject matter.


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

God's Hospitality

Recently, I was impacted by an article on hospitality of Abraham and Sarah. Rublev's icon here of the Trinity, I learned, is also known as the "Hospitality of Abraham and Sarah." In the article I read, the author shared a story about a woman who kept a copy of this icon in her room. This image became a picture to her of God's hospitality towards us. There are three angels sitting at a table, representing the Trinity. The fourth place at the table is empty--the one facing us. This place is for you and me. They are making room for you and I to come in. I was deeply moved by this--God's hospitality towards us. He makes room at His table for us. That is amazing to me! Closing Quote from another article on the subject of hospitality reminds me of the call of the Christian to mimic or imitate the hospitality of God. St Maria of Paris wrote,
"At the Last Judgment I will not be asked whether I satisfactorily practiced asceticism, nor how many prostrations and bows I have made before the holy table. I will be asked whether I fed the hungry, clothed the naked, visited the sick and the prisoner in jail. That is all I will be asked."

Saturday, October 21, 2006

More Spacious than the Heavens

The title of this icon is "More Spacious than the Heavens." I love the celebration of the incarnation in this icon. The symbolism touches my soul. My first reaction to an icon similiar to this in meaning was "wow! that's a big picture of Mary." This of course was followed up with "hmm....I don't know what I think about that." As a protestant, in some of the denominations I was exposed to, Mary was to me no different than any other person. She held no special value and in fact I was to beware of anyone who held her as anything more than average. But, my heart towards her has begun to change. I am not devoted to Mary, nor do I 'worship' her, but I love Mary. I love the Theotokos, "the God bearer" because she is essential to the plan of my salvation. Her obedience to God by bearing the Savior of the world allowed me to come into the Kingdom. I love her because she said "yes" to God, when my sister Eve back in the garden said "no." She was the hallow temple of the Lord Jesus Christ for nine months. I value her as such. She is more than average. So when I see this icon, I am reminded. The womb in which Christ resided is more spacious than the heavens.....for it held not the creation per se but the Creator, The God-man Jesus Christ, the Word of God. Her womb contained more than all the heavens could---the Word of God, the Incarnation. To me that is significant and that is valuable.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

a hymn

This hymn of the 17th cent. St., Dimitrii of Rostov struck me today.

Come, my Light, and illumine my darkness. Come my Life, and revive me from death. Come, my Physician, and heal my wounds. Come, Flame of Divine Love, and burn up the thorns of my misdeeds, kindling my heart with the flame of
your love. Come, My God, sit upon the throne of my heart and reign there.
You alone are my God and my Lord. amen. May it be.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

window into heaven

The Orthodox describe an icon or "image" as a "window into heaven." It is for me that this icon has become. I sense a glimpse into heaven through what this image represents. There is something about the bond of the truly Incarnate Lord Jesus with His mother that makes an impression on my soul. There is a comfort in knowing that I am a part of a living faith, with a living God, Savior, and Church. This day I am reminded of the comfort of His presence in His Holy Spirit and in His church.

May this "image" be a window into heaven for generations to come!