Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Sometimes it's hard to not give up hope. I don't know about you but there are times when I just feel so hopeless. My experiences with the body of Christ has been less than desirable over the last few years. When I drive by a church, I often think, "what does that word mean now days anyways?" It seems that anyone can slap that name on anything and people will come. It is so sad to me. It is so sad to me that so many people who are genuinely looking for something more, have a spiritual interest/need, are going to "churches" that are not even anything like what Christ had in mind. I don't know who these people are. I guess I just think of the general masses. I especially think of the power there is in words like "church," "pastor," or even "God" for that matter. It is unfortuate that even Satan has entered so many of these "churches" and used them for subtle evil. Many are just clubs with very little depth of belief or faith. Others are filled with zealous followers looking for someone to look up to. Many of these people find manipulative "pastors" who speak for "God" to feed this need to feel secure. When I think of the hypocrisy and deception that can go on in the church, I feel worse. Unfortunately so much "good preaching" is birthed from charismatic, manipulative pastors (don't get me wrong I'm not saying ALL). In some "churches" truth is found hidden only in one small corner of the room and becomes something that has very little substance anymore. I guess all of this, at times, makes me wonder if it is all worth it. I never thought that this is what being a Christian would involve. Lord have mercy!


Anonymous said...

Be glad that our hope is not in man but in Christ. It is utterly important to keep your eyes the One who is perfect. This is what I constantly remind myself of when those same feelings arise. Thank you God that You care for us

Anonymous said...

Yes, I feel horribly sad for my Protestant brothers and sisters. So many are disillusioned and wandering because of what you have described. Valeska's comment needs to be our mantra however, and we must remember that the gates of Hades will not prevail against the Church.